Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Entry #21 - Sin

It's ugly. It's painful. It steals innocence. It has consequences. It causes nothing but death and destruction. Look around you! You can debate and scoff about the Bible and what it says, but the truth is: IT IS TRUTH. The book of Proverbs warns against the foolish, and urges us to pursue wisdom and virtue, lest there be severe consequences. "These men lie in wait for their own blood; they waylay only themselves!" -Proverbs 1:18. I guarantee you that every sin ever committed has not come without a fallout. Trust me. The world's saying "what goes around comes around" stems from what the Bible calls reaping and sowing. You reap what you sow. "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy." -Psalm 126:5  To me, that is a promise that my God sees every tear I cry, every hurt I've had, every wrong that's ever been done to me. He hears my prayer and sees my heart. He promises restoration and redemption. I don't need man's approval. I don't need validation. The only truth I need to know is that God is my Healer. Protector. Comforter. Defender. And that I will never find a love as true and as unconditional as His. You should try Him out sometime. All it takes is a yes.

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