Monday, January 11, 2010

Entry #7 - Jonathan Edwards' 'Resolutions'

If you have not read Jonathan Edwards' Resolutions, I suggest you do so. They were written to himself, a form of self-mentoring to keep himself focused on what he should be focused on, doing what he should be doing, etc. There are 70. I have decided to read through them every Sunday night this year (2 for 2 so far). The following are some that I thought I would share.

7. Resolved, never to do anything that I should be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life.

11. Resolved, when I think of any theorem in divinity to be solved, immediately to do what I can toward solving it, if circumstances don't hinder.

14. Resolved, never to do anything out of revenge.

22. Resolved, to endeavor to obtain for myself as much happiness in the other world as I possibly can, with all the power, might, vigor, and vehemence, yea violence, I am capable of, or can bring myself to exert, in any way that can be thought of.

38. Resolved, never to speak anything that is sportive or a matter of laughter on the Lord's day.

47. Resolved, to endeavor to my utmost to deny whatever is not most agreeable to a temper that is good, and universally sweet and benevolent, quiet, peaceable, contented and easy, compassionate and generous, humble and meek, submissive and obliging, diligent and industrious, charitable and even, patient, moderate, forgiving and sincere; and to do at all times what such a temper would lead me to. Examine strictly every week, whether I have done so.

Love you all. Thanks for reading.

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